Today is the day. I'm feeling sort of sad. My final stop build day as a student. Today was a very very busy day. Mechanically, we did as much as we could to the robot. The hanger will obviously go on Thursday at WPI, but our main goal was to make it pick up and shoot like nothing else out on the field. Even if we only get the 10 point hang, I strongly believe a reallly good shooter can offset the 20 points you're lacking from not hanging 30. If thats the case, and we ca't hang within 25-30 seconds, I don't think we should hang for 30. We got into the shop early and got straight to work. We finished touching up the wiring and indexing on the competition robot and Matt got to work cadding, around 10 at night we had her fired up and started testing systems, and by 11:59, she was in the bag and sealed. We will have a lot of work to do on Thursday and I think we'll end up missing a lot of practice matches because of it, but I think we can do it. We've worked so hard up until this point, now is no time to quit.
I'm fairly happy with how this season played out. It was defiantly the most difficult one yet. I've learned more this year than any other year. It feels good. Thank you to all of the mentors and students who worked day in and day out on this project. I'll post again right before the WPI regional!
-Dave Powers