Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 29

IT'S ALL TOGETHER! The cnc mill went together flawlessly, we're going to do the test cuts tomorrow, but other than set up and wire the machine, we put the chassis together, worked on machining the intake side plates and I brought the sheet metal to the powder coater! Mr. Powdercoater out of Bristol is an awesome, dedicated, and super smart guy, this is second year doing powder coating for us and I couldn't be happier! His dedication to our team is one you rarely find, he even comes out to the competitions to check out the completed robot! If you're in CT, and want some stuff coated, go to this guy. He's the man. Here's the pictures from today!

It's a dream come true!

I know some people will, under their breath of course, give us some flack for the CNC machine. But this was not given to us. Although the $10,000.00 for the machine was from a donation, we recieved the donation because of all we do for the city, and state. No one should think this machine was given to us, and every team can get to where we are now. You just have to work for it. It really grinds my gears when people complain about the teams that, "have it all". Suck it up, stop complaining, do some work, and you'll get there too. It took us 15 years to get to this point, it doesn't just happen overnight!

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